What's really the difference between a mast and a tower? It's easy for us to answer; a mast has guy lines, and a tower is freestanding.

We at Mast-och tornunderhåll AB can offer installation, dismantling, service, maintenance, and much more on all types of masts and towers. Below are some of our most common work areas.

Wind Measurement Masts

A wind measurement mast is erected to measure not only wind speed but also wind direction, temperatures, humidity, and various other factors.

These masts or towers are typically between 100 meters to 200 meters high and can be both triangular or square in shape.

Wind measurement masts are usually built before the actual wind farm to determine if the conditions are favorable for wind power.

Power proformance test (PPT)

Just like a wind measurement mast, this type of mast also measures wind conditions. However, these masts are used to compare wind turbine production in relation to actual wind conditions.

All of these masts stand in or near a wind farm, which places high demands on us when working in wind power areas.

Camera Masts and Lighting Poles

We have a stock of used mast parts. These are perfect for customers who want to install a lower steel structure with a camera or lamp at the top at a favorable price.

Research Facilities

Over the years, we have been involved in developing solutions for several ongoing research facilities. Usually, the customer has a vision for how it should look, and together we arrive at the best solution at the most favorable price possible. Both masts and towers are used depending on the customer's requirements.

Antenna Carriers for Communication and Telecom

Today, there are already numerous towers in Sweden functioning as communication hubs and relay points, ensuring our mobile phones work almost everywhere. However, we have some customers who prefer more localized communication systems, which we can easily provide.

Mobile Mast

Today, at MTUH, we have 3 trailers that can be quickly and efficiently developed to temporary locations. Two of the mast trailers can reach heights of up to 27 meters, while the third can reach 20 meters. These are available for rent on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis. Feel free to contact us if you are interested.


There are plenty of uses for masts and towers, only imagination sets the limits. Nothing is impossible, it just takes a little longer.

Ham Radio Operator

Of course, we have solutions for antenna carriers for you too! Drop by for a cup of coffee or give us a call, and we'll find something that suits your specific needs and preferences.